How did I pass AWS Developer Associate exam?
Reading Time: 3 minutes AWS Developer Associate finally passed! Preparations took me some time, and that’s why I want to share my way in order to support everyone that will try to do the same. Let’s go. Why AWS Developer Associate? In the area of AWS I have started small – with Cloud Practitioner exam. I did not want
How did I pass KCNA
Reading Time: 2 minutes I could say the story is like in the western movies. I came, shoot and got what I wanted. Why KCNA? The answer is simple – and the same as with AWS Cloud Practitioner. I have already used Kubernetes before, but obviously as a mere read-only kind of user. I am far away for production-grade
Weekly summary #5
Reading Time: 2 minutes Summary of the fifth week’s of my #SeniorDevRevamp project. AWS on fire! Overall summary AWS Dev Associate certification exam hit me hard last week. The course on UDEMY is over 30 hours long, and that shows. In the second part of the week I had to pause the course for a couple of days. The
Weekly summary #4
Reading Time: 2 minutes Summary of fourth week’s of my #SeniorDevRevamp project. New month gives new opportunities for growth – AWS mode is on! Overall summary However, before I’ve started hard with AWS, I have concluded Kubernetes refresher course. I have also worked my way through Kafka one. Both of course ended with a lot of created flashcards, and knowledge gained.
Weekly summary #3
Reading Time: < 1 minute Third week of my #SeniorDevRevamp project. The pinnacle of it was me passing AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. However, passing the exam was not the only thing that occupied me this week. Just right after the cert, I’ve started a refresher course for Kubernetes on the Udemy. Of course, I have continued with Python and training with ANKI
How I became AWS Cloud Practitioner
Reading Time: 3 minutes Today I have passed AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate exam. You may wonder – why did I choose foundational certification? There is much more to this story, so if I have caught your attention – keep on reading. Senior dev revisited My experience with IT certification is going back… long back. It was on my first blog, where
Weekly summary #2
Reading Time: < 1 minute Second week of my #SeniorDevRevamp project. Dominated by preparation for AWS Cloud Practitioner exam. Here it comes. The only thing that I remember from this week are flashcards. I dream of flashcards, I breathe them. Sometimes I am too afraid of opening the fridge… 17-06-2024: Finished AWS Skill Builder Technical Essentials course (4-6th chapter) +
Weekly summary #1
Reading Time: < 1 minute As usual with all my blogs, when I am in the process of learning something, there is weekly summary published on the regular basis. Obviously, the same will be done on this blog too. Here it comes then – the first weekly summary in my #SeniorDevRevamp program. I must admit that getting back into the