Written by Michał Piotrowski2024-07-22
Back to basics #2 – TCP/IP 101
Back To Basics Article
Reading Time: 3 minutesRecently, as I was preparing for AWS certifications, all kinds of networking concepts seemed to pop out everywhere. I was afraid to open the fridge. I was worried that some kind of VPC configuration and routing table will jump right at me 😉 Building on that let’s dive into the very basics of what this

Written by Michał Piotrowski2024-07-22
Weekly summary #6
Weekly summary Article
Reading Time: 2 minutesSummary of the sixth week of my #SeniorDevRevamp project. Overall summary AWS Dev Associate certification preparation is somehow over. I have finished the course on UDEMY! Bravo me! The plan right now is to concentrate on the wrapping-up, going through mock exams and reading additional content (like whitepapers). Still a lot of work ahead, but